5 Must-Have Wedding Planner Contract Terms

5 Must-Have Wedding Planner Contract Terms

What are the Wedding Planner Contract Terms and Event Planner Contract Terms YOU need to know about?

Wedding Planner Contracts and Event Planner Contracts tend to be one of the longest contracts I write for wedding pros. Why? Because you do EVERYTHING.

I’ve used my years of experience working with wedding pros to compile this list of 5 Must Have Wedding Planner Contract Terms to include in your Event Planning Contracts. And guess what? It’s free and you don’t even need to give me your email to access it! 😉

Let’s get to it…..

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Someone Copied Me, Now What?

Someone Copied Me, Now What?

In this day and age, it’s going to happen at some point. Someone is going to copy your hard work. And whether it’s flagrant copying or just enough so you know it’s your content, it’s going to tick you off. Big time.

But depending on the degree of copying, the proof we have, your preventative steps, and— to be completely frank— the resources you have at your disposal, we need to address copying in different ways. So how does this copyright thing work— REALLY? Here’s the deets:

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How to Pick a Lawyer for your Creative Business

How to Pick a Lawyer for your Creative Business

I see many creative entrepreneurs freaking out about finding an attorney, not knowing who to turn to, or making bad decisions when it comes to hiring people on their “A-Team.” You simply don’t know where to start, but know for a fact that you don’t want to walk into that dark, musty lawyer’s office down the road and work with that old buy who smells like mothballs. And it doesn’t need to be like this!

Today, I’m going to talk to you about what you need to know about hiring an attorney from an attorney….

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5 Myths about Trademarks Creatives NEED to Stop Believing

5 Myths about Trademarks Creatives NEED to Stop Believing

In my “day job,” (hint: not this blog) I have worked with trademarks for years. I’ve taught classes to other attorneys on filing and enforcing trademarks. And I feel like I’ve heard lots of strange thoughts and myths along the way.

But hey— it’s time to bust those up. Let’s pull a Miley and come in like a wrecking ball to correct some of the worst trademark-myth offenders:

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Negotiate Like A Pro - Tried and True Tips for Negotiating Contracts with Confidence

Negotiate Like A Pro - Tried and True Tips for Negotiating Contracts with Confidence

Every business owner has to negotiate a contract at some point. Whether it’s with a client who is asking for changes in your terms, negotiating through a vendor contract, or creating the terms to a collaboration agreement, knowing how to advocate for yourself is critical.

But guess what? Being your own advocate can be HARD. I will be the FIRST ONE to admit that while I am a great negotiator for others (like, I won an award for it in law school once, #nerdalert) I used to be terrible at advocating for myself. Like that whole “get-kinda-sweaty-and-act-all-fuzzy-brained” kind of feeling where your heart beats really fast and you wonder if everyone hates you……

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Simplified: Trademarks for Wedding & Event Pros

Simplified: Trademarks for Wedding & Event Pros

You’ve probably heard through the grapevine how important it can be to register your business name as a trademark. But why? What is a trademark? Why is it important? And do you really need to do it?

Like most things, there are few easy answers. But don’t worry— we wrote you this simplified primer to give you the down-low on trademarks and why it’s critical you’re familiar with these tools to protect your brand.

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Do I *REALLY* Need an LLC? The Only 4 Questions to Ask!

Do I *REALLY* Need an LLC? The Only 4 Questions to Ask!

If you're reading articles about running a small business, you've no doubt had someone tell you that you need to form an LLC. But if you're a newbie event planner, designer, photographer, florist, etc.-- do you really need to take the time to file with the state?  After all, it's just you, right?  And who is going to sue you for a wedding?  Can't you just do it later? 

I’ll shoot ya straight. Here’s the 4 questions you need to ask yourself to decide:

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For your "Consideration....": What does "consideration" mean in my contract?

For your "Consideration....": What does "consideration" mean in my contract?

'm 99% sure that at some point, you may have signed a contract that goes a little something like this:

"NOW, therefore, for good and valuable consideration, the Parties agree as follows:"


"Photographer agrees, with no additional consideration, that the Client may....."

or even

"Client agrees that Planner may use their name and likeness in marketing materials with no further consideration due under this Agreement."

Look familiar?  

But that pesky word, "consideration"-- what does it mean?  Turns out it can be pretty important.

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"My Big Fat GDPR Breakdown" -- The Details Wedding Pros Need about the GDPR

"My Big Fat GDPR Breakdown" -- The Details Wedding Pros Need about the GDPR

“The processing of personal data should be for the good of mankind.”

That’s straight out of the new European Union Privacy law that is getting ready to send ripples through marketers and list-builders all over the world.  It’s 80 pages and 50,000 words long…. And I read it.

That’s how much I love you guys.

If you want the long-form breakdown and need a little more than our video, OR if you’re like me and need to know #ALLOFTHETHINGS, keep reading to find out how the GDPR will affect your wedding and event business, PLUS to download a 9 Step Action Plan to work towards GDPR compliance….

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VIDEO and FREEBIE: Basic GDPR for Wedding Pros + Your Action List!

VIDEO and FREEBIE: Basic GDPR for Wedding Pros + Your Action List!

Will the GDPR affect your wedding business? Whether you're a photographer, wedding planner, venue, videographer, designer, baker, florist-- the answer is probably YES. Watch this short video to learn how your business will be affected, what you should do to comply, and to get an action list of ways to work towards compliance before the May 25 deadline.

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Don't Go Into Business without Talking About This...

Don't Go Into Business without Talking About This...

A judge once said to my client: “The biggest mistake you made was going into business with a friend, with no written agreement. Friendship clouds the business relationship. You can't have the conversations you need to have when you're friends."

While I disagree that you can't run a business with a friend, I do agree with one thing: entering into any business relationship without a contract is a no good, very bad idea!  (Don't take my word for it--Being Boss did a great episode on this very topic, which you can listen to here.)

What type of contract am I even talking about? …..

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Freebie: Drafting Strong Contract Terms

Freebie: Drafting Strong Contract Terms

Alternative title: Drafting Statements of Work that don't Suck! (I figured that might be a little aggressive)

Every time you draft a contract, you need to specify exactly what you're doing for that client.  Whether it's a package, specific terms drafted into a contract, or a Statement of Work pulled out at the end (my favorite way to do it, FYI), you have to have things NAILED DOWN….

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4 Reasons Being a Sole Proprietor is a Bad Idea for Wedding Pros

4 Reasons Being a Sole Proprietor is a Bad Idea for Wedding Pros

A lot of times, wedding pros plan to "start out small" in their business.  This means running lean and on a shoestring budget.  And lots of times, these are the folks who skip the corporate formation step and just opt to be a sole proprietor (an "SP").

Let me tell you-- this could be one of the most expensive mistakes you make…

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Ask These 6 Critical Legal Questions Before A Styled Shoot

Ask These 6 Critical Legal Questions Before A Styled Shoot

Styled shoots, while sometimes getting a lot of flack, can be awesome.  They are a great way to showcase your work as a professional, go all-out on a small-scale, make meaningful industry connections, and get exposure for your work.

But it can be a legal headache with all of the liability, rights, and model releases being strewn about.

What MUST you consider before you execute a Styled Shoot?…

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Does Your Email List Break the Law?

Does Your Email List Break the Law?

"Each separate email in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act is subject to penalties of up to $40,654"-- FTC.gov ⬅️

Do I have your attention now?

Yeah, thought so.  If you're sending out emails to customer lists, sharing potential customer lists of new couples with like-minded vendors, growing your email list through freebies, or just starting to explore the idea of email marketing, you need to perk your ears up…..

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