COVID-19 vs. Your Contracts: A Flowchart for Wedding & Event Pros

3-17-20 edit: We’ve released an Event Postponement Amendment Template for you. The cost is temporarily only $99, with a $99 shop credit that comes as a gift card with purchase.

I spent a little over an hour yesterday talking to my friend/ another awesome law-thinker Paige for her podcast about how wedding pros and creatives should go about handling contracts when the Coronavirus looms large. We’ll post a link to that podcast once it’s released.

And as we talked, I worked through the imaginary PLINKO™ board in my head about what contract clauses kick in when.

Now, I’m a visual person. When I think through complex issues, usually make a chart or tape things across the wall a la Carrie on Homeland. My walls were a MESS during exam time!

So in thinking about how COVID-19 is going to affect wedding pro’s contracts, I turned this into a flow chart in my head. Normally, I don’t share all of the crazy charts that I scribble on notepads, but in light of so many people being so scared, so unsure, and stressed, I wanted to share this with you. This flowchart will help you determine where your contracts fall along the spectrum of this new frontier of “social distancing” vs. force majeure, because it is complicated stuff!

As always, remember: THIS IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR LEGAL ADVICE. EVERY SITUATION IS DIFFERENT, and this is a FACT-SPECIFIC ANALYSIS based on your location and contract. However, this chart will give you a starting point to know where you are as this issue develops.

A JPG is below, but you can view it better if you download the PDF via the button above.


It’s a PDF so you have to actually download it via this link. This isn’t a lead gen/ you don’t even have to give me your email or anything! Although if you do want on our list to get this kind of thing emailed to you directly, sign up over there on the blog sidebar. ➡➡➡